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Tooth loss does pose functional as well as aesthetic challenges. Nothing can compare with implants in durability, function, or aesthetic integration with natural teeth. A Dental Implant in Gurgaon is a metal post that is surgically attached to the jawbone to act as an anchor for replacing a tooth root and providing a base on which a crown, bridge, or denture can be cemented.

If you are someone who is tired of finding a good dental implants clinic, then don’t worry we have got you covered.

Benefits of Dental Implant in Gurgaon

  1. Natural Look: They look, feel and even behave like natural teeth. 
  2. Longevity: They can last for a lifetime if proper care is taken 
  3. Preservation of Jawbone: They stimulate bone growth and prevent its loss. 
  4. Improved functionality: Chewing and talking will be just as easy as with normal teeth. 
  1. Improved Oral health: Unlike bridging, the implants do not require changing any adjacent teeth.

Why Dental Implants in Gurgaon?

Some of the best dental care centers in India are there in Gurgaon. WhiteCoat Dental Clinic and other such similar centers have well-experienced dentists, advanced technology, and patient-centric care. They even make relatively simple procedures like replacement of one tooth to multiple or even securing dentures with painless  procedures.

Steps in the Dental Implant in Gurgaon Procedure

  1. Consultation and Primary Assessment Everything starts with consultation of an expert dentist at a dental clinic like WhiteCoat Dental Clinic. It covers your oral health, state of bones and so on. X-ray or CT scan is also done for general fitness to get an implant.
  1. Placing the Implant

Under local anesthesia, a small titanium post is placed into the jawbone. This will take about 3-6 months to settle into the bone by itself.

3. Fixing the Abutment

After the implant stabilizes, it is time to fix the abutment. Now, this would serve as the connector from the implant and the crown. 

4. Placement of the Crown

Special patient-specific abutment and crown to it is placed in the place of restored abutment. 

Things to Consider When Selecting Dental Implants in Gurgaon

Expertise of Dentists: The clinics like WhiteCoat Dental Clinic have highly qualified and experienced professionals.

Technology: High-resolution imaging and equipment assure perfect placements. 

Hygiene and Safety: Ensure that the clinic is following international guidelines for sterilization.  

Cost: Dental Implant in Gurgaon are long-term investments. Ask about financing options or a payment plan.  

Taking Care of Your Dental Implants

  1. Oral Hygiene: Brush twice a day, floss, and use an antibacterial mouthwash.
  1. Follow-up: for routine cleaning and follow-up appointments.
  1. Avoid smoking: Smoking delays healing and shortens the life of your implants.
  1. Dietary care: Do not bite on anything hard such as ice or a pen.

Why WhiteCoat Dental Clinic?

 WhiteCoat Dental Clinic Gurgaon provides experienced dentist who specialize in Dental Implant in Gurgaon to make every procedure painless and efficient. Customized treatment plan to accommodate all the varied requirements.  Cheap but very best dental service to all those requiring it. 

 Dental Implants in Gurgaon Cost

The cost of dental implants in Gurgaon depends upon the factors like, number of implants required or invasive procedures like bone graft or a sinus lift. 

Common Myths About Dental Implants

  1. Implants Ache

 The word implantation does not exactly sound like the most pleasant of things, but with modern technology and anesthesia, little pain is tolerated during the actual procedure. Subsequently, some minor aches are taken care of with a few prescribed drugs.  

  1. Implants Need Special Attention

 That is not correct in fact, because implants have nothing special apart from good oral hygiene. One needs to brush, floss, and get to the dentist periodically. 

  1. They Won’t Look Real
  2. Dental Implants Are Too Pricey

They may be very expensive for the price-tag when getting them, but in the long term, such implants pay off because they really do last long.  

When to Get Dental Implants in Gurgaon?

  • When you are missing some of your teeth.
  • When there is a desire to revitalize the facial muscles by losing a part of the teeth.  


When it comes to Dental Implant in Gurgaon procedures, one should not be in a hurry while choosing a clinic .One thing that each of the leading dental clinics across Gurgaon ensure is the efficacy with no risk. WhiteCoat Dental Clinic at Gurgaon provides the best treatment with affordable cost.

Schedule an appointment today at WhiteCoat Dental Clinic and get one step closer to the perfect smile.


Is the Dental Implant Procedure Painful?

When it comes to the actual dental implant procedure, there’s no discomfort felt because the oral surgeon makes sure to numb the tooth and surrounding gum tissue before performing any other step of treatment. This is especially the case if a tooth needs to be extracted before an implant can be attached.

To numb the mouth, a local anesthetic is administered and given a few minutes to take effect. When the tooth is removed (if applicable), the gum tissue is opened, and the implant is placed into the jaw, the most noticeable sensation you’ll experience is some light pressure, but not pain.

If preferred, many oral surgeons also offer sedation dentistry to make the process even more comfortable, such as IV sedation. This sedative is so powerful, you’ll find it very difficult to even remember most of your treatment experience

What About After Treatment is Complete?

Eventually, the local anesthetic used for the procedure will wear off. That means by the time you get home, you will likely start to notice some mild soreness in your mouth where the implant was placed. This is a normal part of the process and occurs following any type of oral surgery, not just dental implants.

Thankfully, managing this discomfort with painkillers and cold compresses is a relatively simple process. Most patients mention the recovery phase of treatment was less difficult than they expected. If you aren’t having a tooth extracted in preparation for your implant, you can expect the healing phase to be even easier!

How Do I Prepare for Dental Implant Aftercare

With all that said, there are steps you will want to take to ensure the smoothest and most comfortable healing process possible. For example, after you get home, you should:

  • Stick to a soft food diet for a few days (i.e. applesauce, cold soups, mashed potatoes, smoothies, ice cream, gelatin, etc.)
  • Keep your head elevated when lying down to promote healing and healthy blood flow
  • Use cold compresses to reduce swelling
  • Take painkillers and other medications as prescribed
  • Avoid using a straw for the next couple of days
  • Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activity for the next several days

Still feeling hesitant about dental implant treatment? Feel free to contact dental clinic near you and discuss with an expert oral dental surgeon to replace all your missing and extracted teeth n restore your beautiful smile .



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