Pricing Details

Sr. No. Treatment Prices in INR Details
1 Professional Consultation (includes detailed full mouth check up,full mouth xray-OPG, other required x-rays and pictures, 3D scanning and a complete treatment plan with prices) 600 -
2 Full mouth Rehabilitation with Implants (all teeth replacement with fixed teeth) 500000-800000 (depending upon severity, available bone, type of implants, type of implant prosthesis)
3 Smile Makeover 10,000-5,00,000 (Smile makeover is an umbrella term to describe procedures used to correct/beautify smile.
It includes and is not limited to aligners, braces, teeth whitening, veneers, implants, restorations, gum lift, frenectomy etc.
Price of smile makeover depends upon your final goals for your smile, your budget, time available, treatment requested and multiple other factors)
4 Invisalign 100000-300000 (depending on complexity and number of aligners required)
5 Illusion Aligners 60000-250000 (depending on complexity and number of aligners required)
6 Full mouth Rehabilitation (to correct worn down teeth) 250000-500000 (depending upon the complexity of case, type of restorations chosen)
7 Braces 30000-120000 (depending upon complexity of case and type of braces)
8 Dental Implant along with crown (cap) 25000-70000 per tooth (depending upon complexity, location, type of implant, type of crown)
9 Porcelain Veneers 10000-25000 per tooth (depending upon complexity type of veneers, number of veneers etc)
10 Bioclear Veneers 5000-8000 per tooth (depending upon complexity, location, number of veneers etc)
11 Bioclear Restorations 2500-7000 per tooth (depending upon complexity, location, extent etc)
12 Teeth Whitening 8000-25000 (depending upon the type of whitening opted for)
13 Crown (tooth cap) 7000-35000 per tooth (depending on type of cap)
14 Root Canal Treatment 5000-10000 per tooth (depending upon the tooth, anatomy and if it is a retreatment)
15 Teeth cleaning and polishing 2000-4000 (price depends upon severity of condition)
16 Filling 1000-4000 per tooth (depending upon the location, extent of lesion, tooth and material used)
17 Occlusal Splint for headache and TMD 5000-20000 (depending upon type of splint and material used)
18 Laser Crown lengthening (gum lift) 1500-4000 per tooth (depending upon whether bone contouring is required and number of teeth)
19 Laser Frenectomy and tongue tie removal 5000-12000 (depending upon complexity, location etc)
20 Laser Ulcer Healing 3000 per site (includes 1-3 sessions as required)
21 Laser Gum lightening (gingival depigmentation) 8000 per sextant -
22 Laser Reduction of Face and head muscle pain 5000-20000 (depending upon no. of sessions required)
23 Flap surgery for periodontitis 10000 (per quadrant) -
24 Deep cleaning with laser 3000 (per quadrant) -
25 Non Surgical Extraction 1500-5000 (depending upon tooth location and complexity)
26 Surgical Extraction 5000-10000 (depending upon tooth location and complexity)
27 Complete Denture 13000-50000 (per arch) (depending upon material and technique of fabrication)
28 Milk tooth filling 1500-3000 (per tooth) (depending upon complexity, location, extent etc)
29 Milk tooth RCT 4000-4500 (depending upon complexity, location etc)
30 Milk tooth extraction 1000-1500 (depending upon complexity, location etc)
31 Minor Oral Surgeries (cyst removal, growth removal along with biopsy) 8000-15000 (depending upon complexity, location etc)

We are dedicated to providing quality care to each and every patient. We have a very qualified and talented doctors team to handle all kinds of medical & dental challenges and give better solutions at inappropriate times. Whitecoats moto is to keep every patient healthy and mentally strong at every stage.

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